Platform specifications

At GERINO we aim to develop an easy to use, secure and efficient solution for both investors and traders. GERINO will deliver the most user-friendly, yet advanced peer-2-peer digital asset platform . Below , we provide concept specifications of the platform as well as a brief explanation of the core features

Registration All users must be registered on the platform to carry out any activities. Registration is a standard process through email, or through Facebook, Google, and Twitter.

GERINO Account and Wallet All users of the platform will have their own unique wallet created automatically. After registration with GERINO platform , each user shall have BTC, ETH and other addresses in their Wallet. By depositing any of these coins, it is possible to make internal exchanges from one currency to another . However , only GNC token can be used for following a trading strategy.

Entry fee There is a 2% entry fee that applies every time user deposits funds to his account. This commission accrues to the GNC Asset Contract increasing the value backing GNC tokens.

Model Traders A Model Trader is a user who created a trading Model (strategy ) in GERINO platform . From that moment, tracking of all trading activity starts and the Model becomes available for following.

Investors The investor is a user who is following a chosen Model in order to benefit from the profitable trading of a Model Trader. Each investor can follow up to 20 different trading strategies.

Marketplace The platform allows users to search, rank, filter and compare all of the available trading Models.

Following to a Model When an investor finds a suitable strategy and starts following – all trading actions of a Model will be replicated in their personal GERINO account with a proportional amount of funds, predefined by the investor.

Segregated Accounts To provide security and peace of mind to all investors – we offer secure personal accounts for each user within the GERINO Platform. None of the funds go directly to Model Trader , which avoids trust and security issues.

Unfollowing the Model At the point when an Investor unfollows a trading Model – funds are immediately returned to their wallet minus success fees and commission in case of any profit they earned.

Each user can stop following to a trading Model whenever they like. The only occasion when following stops automatically is when a Model Trader decides to terminate it. Funds would then be returned to all of the followers of the terminated Model.

Profit Sharing In case a trading Model resulted in profits for the investor-follower, income distribution will look like this:

Success Fee 15% of all profits will be transferred to the Model Trader’s wallet. Platform Commission 10% of all profits and will be automatically credited to GNC Asset Contract The remaining 75% shall be credited to the investors wallet along with the initial investment.

Anonymous Mode All users of GERINO platform can choose to publish their real names or remain anonymous by using a screen -name alias . However , we believe that providing real names can be beneficial , especially for successful Model Traders.

Users Privacy No personal user data is available to other users or moderators working on the platform. This list includes but is not limited to: emails, wallet IDs, or funds available to users, as well as direct links to accounts in social networks, even if they are specified in the user’s form. All users can remain completely anonymous.

Speed of Execution At the initial launch, we will offer only manually- traded Models. As soon as our API becomes “bullet-proof” tested – we shall launch algorithm- trading strategies as well. By implementing smart contracts and technology, we will automate the digital asset trading processes, bypass trust and insecurity issues while making investments transparent, simple and secure as they are supposed to be.

Last updated