Peer-2-Peer Definition

A Peer -to -Peer , or P 2 P , Service its self decentralized platform whereby two individuals interact directly with each other , without intermediation by a third- party, or without the use of a business selling a product or service. The buyer and the seller transact directly with each other via the P2P service.

Some popular examples of P2P services are:

  • Open-source Software – anybody can view and/ or modify code for the software

  • BitTorrent – a popular anonymous file-sharing platform where uploaders and downloaders meet to swap media and software files.

  • Air BnB – allows property owners to lease all or part of their property to short-term renters.

  • Uber – a platform for car owners to offer transportation services to other

  • eBay – a marketplace for private sellers of goods to find interested buyers.

  • Etsy – enables producers of crafts and other homemade goods to sell their items directly to the public

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